Buy Hut Definition English on sale. Hut definition is - an often small and temporary dwelling of simple construction : shack. Show declension of hut. hut ( third-person singular simple present huts, present participle hutting, simple. "hut" meaning in english, "hut" definitions, synonyms of "hut", definition of "hut", "hut" translate in english, Primary Meanings of "hut", Full Definitions of "hut", antonyms of "hut".

Synonyms: but, butt, cut, cottage, gut, glut, jut, kut, nut, mutt, putt, abut, haute, phut, hutt, knut. "Ten-hut" is the gruff abbreviation of the word "attention," that's all.
Hut definition: A hut is a small house with only one or two rooms , especially one which is made of wood,.
From Middle English *hutte, hotte, borrowed from Old French hutte, hute ("cottage"), from Old High German hutta ("hut, cottage"), from Proto-Germanic *hudjǭ, *hudjō ("hut"), from Proto-Indo-European *(s)kewt- ("to deck; cover; covering; skin"). HUT definition in English dictionary, HUT meaning, synonyms, see also 'hut circle',Nissen hut' Nissen hut n a military shelter of semicircular cross section, made of corrugated steel sheet, (U. Hut definition is - an often small and temporary dwelling of simple construction : shack.